


Free distribution of Text Books & CBT Library Books: - NDMC distributes free text books in all NDMC, Navyug and NDMC Aided Schools to students of Classes Nursery to XII.


Free distribution of Educational Support Material & Student Stationery Items (Pencil Box/Geometry Box/Note Books/Students Diary): - Educational Support Material printed for Delhi Government schools is also provided to the students of classes X and XII in NDMC Schools.


Mid Day Meal SchemeMid Day Meal is provided in all NDMC, Navyug and NDMC Aided schools and Balwaris. Cooked Mid Day Meal is provided to the students from Class I to VIII in Plan scheme and Class Nursery and IX to XII in non-plan scheme.


Legal Literacy Classes on Fundamental Rights and Duties:  Legal Literacy Classes on Fundamental Rights and duties through Delhi Legal Services Authority (DLSA) are arranged every year for the students of class IX to XII. Honourable judges and advocates of Patiala House Court, New Delhi provide Legal literacy to the students


Installation of CCTV Camera in all the NDMC and Navyug Schools: In order to improve the security of our students and schools, CCTV cameras are installed in the schools at strategic locations. CCTV cameras are also there in all the Smart Classes.